
2011年11月21日 22:10

发现个有趣的网站 URL: http://www.wix.com/


Tags: Personal site wix
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About Persistent USB

2011年11月19日 16:47

I want make my persistent USB like:  URL: http://www.backtrack-linux.org/wiki/index.php/Persistent_USB

So I download Backtrack5 ISO file and want install it into USB disk that size is 16G.



Linux distro: Fedora 15

Linux distro: Backtrack 5 (ISO file want install to USB disk)

syslinux: version 4.02

USB disk: 16G and partition like:

         /dev/sdb1   *     FAT32    2.5G

         /dev/sdb2          Linux      -


Copy all file from ISO file to /dev/sdb1 and make it bootable by syslinux.

When I reboot, error displayed like:


vesamenu.c32 NOT a COM32R IMAGE


And I search in google, someone saied it's may be version different between syslinux and boot.cat.

So I download boot.iso bootable version 4.x. But it can't be work.


Another method is copy vesamenu.c32 file to USB from your linux.

So I copy /usr/share/syslinux/vesamenu.c32(My system is fedora 15, anothers system may be have some different) to USB disk.

Ok, reboot~


(PS: In backtrack not have Chinese input~, ibus and SCIM can not be work, so  I just can ues English~ I know my English is so poor~  May be I can write it better if I can input Chinese or Japanese~  :)

Tags: linux Persistent USB Backtrack vesamenu.c32 syslinux
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